Mapping greenhouse gas emissions from selected Welsh and Scottish reservoirs

This site provides estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from 38 selected Welsh and Scottish reservoirs in the United Kingdom. This project was made possible through funding from Policy@Manchester at the University of Manchester, UK. The study was conducted by Tomasz Janus and Jaise Kuriakose from the Tyndall Centre at the University of Manchester.

The analysis was performed using GeoCARET, a command line Geospatial CAtchment and REservoir analysis Tool written in Python, and RE-Emission, a free open-source tool for estimating, reporting and visualising greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs. The source code for both tools is available on GitHub at and

The interactive map displays reservoir and catchment delineations along with selected properties calculated using GeoCARET. By hovering over and clicking on a specific reservoir or catchment, users can explore these properties. Clicking on a reservoir also reveals its aerial gas emission fluxes calculated with RE-Emission. The map also contains reservoir delineations from the Global Dam and Reservoir Dataset, Global Dam Watch. Emission report in a PDF format and raw data in Excel format can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding buttons below the map.

Download the Emission Report Download Results

For more information or inquiries, please contact Tomasz Janus or Jaise Kuriakose.